Author: Karen Chen
Date: January 19, 2022

Mrs. Devincenzi, the advisor of the book club on campus at EVHS
In P202, students and staff gather together to discuss books throughout the year. Each month’s pick ranges from thought-provoking, controversial pieces to light hearted humor or fantasy.
The book club was initially founded 5 years ago. Mrs. Devincenzi and Ms. Tinoco were discussing reading books outside of the curriculum for English classes. While most English classes require reading to be integrated within the curriculum, there are still many more topics and books left unmentioned about in a class setting. As English teachers, Mrs. Devinzenzi and Ms. Tinoco believed that having a program outside of class hours for colleagues and students to discuss a more diverse selection of books would be beneficial to creating a community for readers on campus.
“I like the book club cause it gives students some choice outside of what they read in school,” said Ms. Crichton, the school librarian.
The book club began with the release of Go Set A Watchman, the sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird, a popular book already read by many students in their English classes. The familiarity of the book with both students and teachers created a large amount of interest in the book club among students.
Following the first meeting, the book club has read countless stories including topics such as gender identity, LGBTQ+, horror, dystopias, comedy, and more. Each month's book is picked in advance by the members themselves during meetings. After each discussion, participants are free to suggest and vote on any book proposals based on their own preference. After a couple of months, students will then be able to gather again to discuss what they've read.
During these meetings, there are often snacks, drinks, and even goods available to students and staff. These often relate to the theme of the story or an upcoming holiday. During last year’s October meeting, cookies were prepared for students and staff to decorate in celebration of Halloween.
The opportunity to have more time with colleagues and students outside of a purely planned and formatted setting is what pushed Mrs. Devincenzi and many of her peers continue the book club. Even through distance learning, book meetings have been held on Zoom and have returned to being in-person this school year. With the construction on campus at Evergreen Valley High School, the meeting locations for book club have temporarily moved from the library to Mrs. Devincenzi’s room (P202).
“Just the act of sitting down with some colleagues or some students And talking about a book that may be controversial or may be young adult or might be something that is not necessarily school appropriate,” said Mrs. Devincenzi. “And we can still have those conversations. So it’s a safe place.”
Ms. Crichton, the school librarian, has also been participating in many of the book club meetings throughout the years. Throughout these years, she’s been supportive of the book club’s activities and has encouraged others to join as well.
“I just want to get books into the hands of students. And my number one thing as a librarian is I want the books to be interesting,” said Ms. Crichton. “And I want students to feel empowered to choose what they want. A lot of times they don’t get that in school.”
For students who may not have the time to join the book club and or may be interested in reading more outside of class, the library on campus is also open for checkout. Students can visit F108 near the theatre on Fridays and Thursdays during lunch to look through EVHS's library or speak with Ms. Crichton for any book recommendations.
During the months of December and January, the book club was reading The House in the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune. The story follows a man named Linus Baker who works under the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. As a caseworker for orphanages dedicated to youth with magical and unusual traits, Linus meets an orphanage on Marsyas Island that takes his life away from being solely his work.
For the upcoming meeting, the book club will be reading The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell for the months of January, February, and March. The next meeting will be held on March 1st in P202 from 3 to 4 PM. For more updates, follow @evhsbookclub on Instagram.