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Math Club Sets New Record of AIME Qualifiers

Vivek Sharma

March 12, 2023

This year, the Math club at Evergreen Valley High School reached a record-number of qualifiers to the prestigious AIME exam. The American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), is a difficult exam which tests a participants abilities in various areas of math, including elementary algebra, geometry, trigonometry, number theory, probability, and combinatorics. To qualify for AIME, a prospective competitor must rank in the top 5% on the AMC 12 or rank in the top 2.5% on the AMC 10, with the AMC competitions.

The stakes on the AIME exam are high, high-scoring competitors then qualify for the USAMO or USAJMO competitions, which are both very difficult competitions. Eventually, the competitors will be narrowed down into the top 6 competitors which are chosen to represent the United States in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

This year, Evergreen Valley High School sent 17 competitors to AIME, its all-time record. And last year it had its second-best all-time record of 12 competitors. Prajwal Vandana, vice president of the Math Club, attributes this significant year-on-year increase of qualifications to AIME due to a decreasing number of people taking the AMC tests, a consistent increase in the quality of the team, and the AMC tests themselves are getting more difficult so the cutoff is being lowered, allowing more people to qualify for AIME from the team. Furthermore, this year they are predicting 1-2 entries in USAMO and USAJMO combined.

Scores are expected to be released soon and the cutoff to qualify for USAMO/USAJMO is expected to be released at the end of this month. We will issue updates to this article with the latest information.

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